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欧盟发布(EU) 2023/1338决议-管控儿童产品安全要求


(EU) 2023/1338决议管控产品范围


         children’s products intended to be worn by children;


         children’s products intended to facilitate or protect the seating function, sleeping function,bathingfunction,bodycare, relaxation, transportation and early learning;


         children’s product sintended to facilitate the feeding,drinking or sucking of children;


         children’s product sthat offer one or several functions listed in points (a), (b) and (c) and one or several other functions;


         products related to children’s products, including the following products:


            products and accessories specifically designed for use with children’s products referred to in points (a)to (d) or in combination with those products;


             products to be used and mounted orinstalled by adults which are accessible to a child or offer a protective function to a child.

(EU) 2023/1338决议对于某些儿童产品及其相关产品基本要求包括


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